
Approved Constitution, October 2017


The Society was originally incorporated as the International Society of Urologic Pathology in the State of Maryland in the United States of America and is hereafter known as “the Society”.

Article 1.  The Name of the Society

  1. The name of the Society is The International Society of Urological Pathology.

Article 2.  Objectives of the Society

The Society is a non-profit organization whose objectives are:

  1. The advancement of the science and clinical practice of urological pathology.
  1. The promotion of research in the field of urological pathology.
  1. The publication of such journal articles and scientific monographs so as to afford dissemination of advances in the field of urological pathology.

Article 3.  Membership of the Society

  1. The membership of the society shall be international in scope and shall consist of Ordinary Members, Junior Members, Emeritus Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members.

1.1.      Ordinary Membership is open to pathologists with a special interest in urological pathology. They have full voting rights and may attend all general and educational meetings.

1.2.      Junior Membership is open to pathologists in training who have a special interest in urological pathology. Junior Members may attend all general and educational meetings of the Society but may not be appointed to office or to committees of the Society; they are exempted dues and may not vote.

1.3.      Emeritus Membership is open to pathologists who have attained the age of 65 years, have fully retired from medical practice and have been have been financial members of the Society for at least ten years. Emeritus Members may attend all general and educational meetings of the Society and may be appointed to office or committees, and may vote.  Emeritus Members are exempted for any annual dues levied by the Society.

1.4.      Associate Membership is open to medical practitioners and biomedical scientists who have an interest in urological pathology. Associate members may attend all general and educational meetings of the Society but may not be appointed to office or to committees of the Society, and may not vote.

1.5.      Honorary Membership is open to medical practitioners and biomedical scientists who have made an important contribution to and are distinguished by their achievements in the field of urologic pathology.  Honorary members are exempted for any annual dues levied by the Society, and they may attend all general and educational meetings of the Society but may not be appointed to office or to committees of the Society, and may not vote.

  1. Election to Ordinary, Junior and Associate membership shall be by resolution of the Council following nomination by a member of the Society. Transfer from Ordinary Membership to Emeritus Membership shall be by resolution of Council. Election to Honorary Membership shall be by resolution at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
  1. Ordinary, Emeritus and Honorary members of the Society are entitled to be designated as Fellows of the International Society of Urological Pathology.

Article 4.  Resignation and Dismissal from Membership of the Society

  1. Members may cease active participation in the Society by submitting a letter of resignation to the Secretary.
  1. Membership of the society may be terminated for non-payment of dues according to the provisions of the By-laws of the Society
  1. Members may be censured by resolution of Council and/or membership may be suspended or terminated by resolution carried by 2/3 of the members of Council present and voting according to the provisions of the Society’s Code of Conduct.
  1. Membership of the Society may be terminated by resolution approved by 75% of members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.

Article 5.  Officers of the Society

  1. The Officers of the Society shall constitute the Council of the Society and shall be the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and Councillors representing geographic regions (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australasia). There shall be one Councillor from each geographic region.
  1. The Election of Officers of the Society shall be provided for in the By-laws.
  1. The Council may constitute any subcommittee it considers necessary in order to conduct the business of the Society.

Article 6.  Meetings of the Society

  1. The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting as such time and venue as decided by the Council. Further special meetings may be called by resolution of the Council or at the written request of not less than ten percent (10%) of the membership.

Article 7.  Transaction of Business

  1. The quorum at a business meeting, including the Annual General Meeting of the Society, shall be twenty members.
  1. The quorum for meetings of the Council shall be six members.

Article 8.  Alterations to the Constitution and By-laws

  1. Amendments to the Constitution and to the By-laws shall first be approved by resolution of the Council of the Society. The recommendations of the Council shall be submitted to the membership by correspondence at least sixty days before the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. For the purposes of approving or otherwise of any proposed amendment to the Constitution or By-laws voting will be by correspondence.  A two-thirds majority vote of those voting when polled by correspondence shall be required for adoption of any proposed amendments.