August 2016

12 August 2016


Dear ISUP members,


We hope that you have had a pleasant and relaxing summer. In this newsletter we would like to update you regarding activities associated with the Society and our plans for the near future.


As we have previously advised, our President-Elect, Cristina Magi-Galluzzi has communicated her desire to stand down from her post. According to Article 2.4 of the By-Laws of the Society, an office that becomes vacant due to resignation (or death) is to be filled by resolution of the Council. We are pleased to announce that the Council has now unanimously elected Dr John Cheville as President-Elect for the remainder of the term. We are very happy to advise that Dr Cheville has accepted the appointment and we look forward to him assuming the office of President at the Annual General Meeting of the Society I San Antonio. We are grateful that he is willing to step in at such a short notice and plans are well in train in order to ensure a smooth transition to his Presidency.


You may recall that before the Seattle meeting we conducted a brief web-based survey amongst our members relating to preferences for upcoming activities.  Most members expressed an interest in having the Society convene a consensus conference on bladder pathology and it was our intention to organize such a conference at the next USCAP meeting. Despite this, it now appears that there is some reticence from USCAP to permit us to host educational programs, as this might be seen as a competing activity for the annual scientific meeting of the Academy. Issues relating to potential conflicts have been voiced previously, although USCAP has been generous over the years and has permitted the ISUP to host multiple important consensus meetings. We are; however, aware that this runs contrary to USCAP policy and have, therefore,  decided to postpone the next consensus meeting and to focus on the Companion Meeting, as well as social activities for this, the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Society.


Preparations for the scientific component of the annual meeting of the Society in San Antonio are well advanced. In conjunction with the convenors of the Companion Meeting program, Drs Steve Shen and Michelle Hirsch, the Council is currently finalizing the program for next year’s Companion Meeting. The theme will be the features of the new edition of the TNM staging classification, as it relates to genitourinary pathology. Speakers have already received invitations from the program convenors to participate and the detailed program will be released as soon as all invited speakers have responded.


The next major pathology event on the international calendar is the IAP International Congress, which will be held in conjunction with the Annual ESP meeting in  Cologne from 25 – 29 September 2016. This meeting will feature a wide diversity of genitourinary pathology-related topics in its scientific program. As many of you will know,  ESP meetings are now held annually, while the IAP International Congress remains a biennial event.  This year the two organizations have decided to combine their resources and hold a joint meeting and this has attracted many excellent speakers. Program details and registration forms are available on the meeting websites:

The following is a brief over-view of those presentations that will be of interest to urological pathologists. Most of these will be held on 28-29 Sep;

Long course: Advances in pathology of prostate cancer and renal cell carcinoma (Kristiansen, Algaba, Martignoni, Osunkoya, Fleming)

Business Meeting – Short course: Current concepts in pathology of the urinary tract (Netto, Hatmann, Tsuzuki, Paner, Raspolini, Lopez-Beltran)

Symposium Update on WHO 2016 Classification (Humphrey, Moch, Reuter, Berney, Cubilla)

The Basic Report in Uropathology (ESP/ICCR) (Srigley, Egevad, Grignon, Delahunt, Compérat)


As you have seen in the recently circulated message from the Secretary of the ISUP, the ICCR datasets on prostate pathology are now open for public consultation. This work has been chaired by James Kench and myself, with the assistance of an expert panel of ISUP members; namely,  Brett Delahunt, Peter Humphrey, Glen Kristiansen, Jon Oxley, John Srigley, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kiril Trpkov, Murali Varma, Thomas Wheeler and Ming Zhou. All ISUP members are welcome to submit suggestions for incorporation into finalized document, which is due for release later this year.


With best regards,


Lars Egevad

President of ISUP